Monday, December 27, 2010

So what's next....

Since we've recently moved we have had to establish a whole new round of drs.  Luckily we already had a great pediatrican lined up and already had a GI dr here for the baby.  Tomorrow is our first visit with the allergist.  Both Tyson and Kaitlyn have appointments.  We are hoping for a full panel allergy test for both of the kids. 
Tyson had a skin prick test done over the summer for food and pets which reveled his allergy to cats and confirmed his allergy to peanuts 4+ and various tree nuts ranging for 3+ to 4+.  He has also been breaking out in hives randomly for the last 2 months so we are looking for an answer to that myster as well. 
Kaitlyn on the other hand has never been to the allergist.  We have been seeing the GI dr for reflux and the intolerance to milk and soy.  We did do allergy testing on her but through blood work.  It was done before she turned one and she hadn't really been exposed to alot of the top allergens aside from through breatsfeeding.  Although we do know that even the amount that does get into the breastmilk can cause a reaction.  I have been avoiding milk and soy since she was 3 months old.  Well then on Sunday Dec. 5 she broke out in hives.  They spread all over her little body coming and going.  We had a terrible visit to the ER and 6 hours later we left with benadryl.  We did notice over the next few days that the hives would appear and get worse within minutes of her breastfeeding so our uneducated guess is that it was something I ate like the pecans I had in my salad (No, I wasn't any where near Tyson when I ate them.  It was actually during one of the few "Mommy's Time" that my wonderful husband blesses me with ).  On Monday we took Kaitlyn to the ped and followed up with him.  He in turn refered us to the allergist. 
And here we are.....waiting for more answers to the food mysteries we have come to know.

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