Friday, September 30, 2011

I'm back....again

Well again time has gotten away from me and I've let my blog slide.  I was put on bed rest at 29 weeks and stayed on it until 36 weeks.  I had a health baby boy at 39 weeks.  I can add him into the intolerant catagory because he (like the last 2) doesn't seem to be able to tolerate mik or soy protein.  So again I'm off of all milk, dairy, soy, whey and casein.  This puts me in the kitchen double time trying to make sure the kids and hubby have what they want and also make sure I'm getting plenty to eat to feed my little one. 
As far as the other kids, well they are absolutely in love with their baby brother. Along with this new addition we also had another major change which is Adrianna starting kindergarten.  She is doing GREAT!!  Tyson and Kaitlyn miss her a lot and are constantly asking if it's time to go pick her up. 
Well now that my life news is up to date on to the really purpose of this blog; allergies and intolerances.  Kaitlyn has thankfully grown out of her milk intolerance.  I do have blood testing scheduled for her since she has been randomly breaking out in hives.  Her ped seems to think its just a heat rash but I asked for testing any way.  Adrianna is also scheduled to have allergy testing.  We just went to a new pulmnologist on Wed and he suggested we do the skin testing too.  Tyson is also due for a full spectrum skin test as well and that is next on my list along with Mason's 2 mth appt.  Oh I almost forgot to mention this as well, another reaseon for the lack of posts is due to Kaitlyn finally finishing off our keyboard on the laptop.  She managed to put off almost all of the keys (Adrianna started it with the arrow keys but Kaitlyn finished it off BIG TIME) to the point of no return.  We have an amazing friend who got us a new keyboard and installed it!!!!

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