Monday, January 9, 2012

Life gets so busy.....

Well here we go has once again gotten away from.  I've decided to change the way I post.  I was just posting as things came up.  Well the major problem with that is that as they come up I get so caught up in the moment I forget to post about it.  Like Kaitlyn having more hive break outs and Tyson have a reaction when eating Doritos.  I also can't forget about Mason also being intolerant to eggs.  Oh yeah there is also my hive breakouts.  So with that I am looking for an allergist for myself as well.  See things are going on I just forget to post.  So from now on no matter how boring it may seem I'm going to try to post something 3-4 times a week.  I've decided to post pics of recipes new for us and how much of a success it was for us.  (If you have little ones you know how difficult introducing new foods can be.)  I'll  also share stories and news about the allergy world.  On that note there have been some very sad and heartbreaking stories of children losing their lives to deadly reactions to food.  As much as it hurts to think of this I feel like I want to pass the news on for a couple of reasons.  I want others to realize just how deadly this disease can be.  I'm not crazy or over protective of my little ones....I'm vigilant!!!!  I also want others to keep these families in your prayers.  I will never forget Tyson's life threatening reaction for eating ONE cashew and ONE walnut.  I will never get those images of my baby's face being so swollen it looked like it was melting away and his wheezing and coughing.  I will never forget how scared I was.  I thank God that he spared us and let us keep Tyson here on earth with us.  My heart breaks for these parents and families who have lost there kids.
Well now that I feel a very strong urge to go hug and kiss my kids I'm gonna wrap up. 

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