Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Finally have a direction......

So we went to Mason's GI appt today and finally got (after a mess up with the first lab) the results to his allergy test and he was positive for allergies to milk, eggs and wheat. I had already cut out the milk and eggs but the wheat is a whole bigger ball game. It does explain his sever reaction to the baby cereals. So where do we go from here? Well the first goal is to get Mason to take a bottle. Until that time I'll cut wheat out of my diet as well. We do get to introduce more foods- green beans, peas, carrots, squash, avocado, corn and broccoli so he'll have more options. Another positive is that he was negative to soy so we can try soy formula first and see how he reacts. We also have to take him our pediatric allergist. I'm relieved to some answers and ready to tackle this challenge. My prayer is that as he gets older he'll out grow the allergies. If that doesn't happen I know that we are well equippped to handle it.

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